Nepal - The city side

The country of Nepal held a mysterious charm to me. I visited it with a tinge of apprehension. I had heard mixed reviews from a number of sources, all of which said the same thing..... Nepal is great, but Kathmandu is terrible. Given that it is the country's capital city, it didn't instil much faith in me that I would find anything terribly enjoyable there.

It was dirty, rundown, noisy and rather fowl smelling so in that aspect it lived up to its reputation. However, once the sensory overload diminished, I went on to explore the many wonderful historical sites and enclaves that the city has to offer. In addition, I discovered Kathmandu's distinctive urban charm.

With hot water being very scarce and power blackouts scheduled every night, the best time to explore the city is when it is at its craziest, the daytime.

Temples, religious ceremonies, colourful characters and the daily lives of locals all provide fantastic photographic opportunities and cultural experiences.


Ceremonial decoration

Cheeky monkey

Gold abounds


Nice place to catch up on sleep

The eyes represent Wisdom and Compassion


Nepal prayer wheel in motion

Light in the dark

Stairway to nirvana?

Tiered temple

Lighting the way

It's not just the grandeur that is impressive, it's the little details that really show the workmanship


Prayer bell


Bronze beauty

Temple details are impressive

Monkey offering its brain of knowledge

Letters of a dead language

The people and characters on the street are warm and inviting. Everyone has an interesting story to tell.

Daily stroll

Getting ready

Street vendor

A watchful eye

A smoke and.....

A smile

Old and new


Relaxation time

Sorting the seed


Relaxing for a bit

With all the usual stops completed, I ventured into the streets to capture day to day Nepalese life from morning until night. I wasn't disappointed.

On the way to work

Sugar cane and ginger

Hand made pottery

Street butcher

Dies used in clothing production

How should I cross the road?

Busy streets


Religious sacrifice

Time to come in

Rickshaw taxi

The sun sets and the generators kick in

Rush hour

Life in the dark

Traffic policeman

Down town

Next I ventured into the glorious countryside but that will be the next blog post.

Safe travels,

Rob Gubiani
